Welcome to our weekly latest software testing news and Quotes of the Week from the testing field. This week in current software testing news: cosmic radiation to blame for bug, hacker proof code, iOS 10 problems for testing teams and more.
iOS 10 Issues
“Teams will need to sustain their test automation and development activities on iOS 10 devices, iOS 9 critical devices”
Eran Kinsbruner, a mobile evangelist with Perfecto comments on the release of iOS 10 and the headache it may cause for mobile testing and development teams as the devices able to update to iOS 10 are limited which means that support will have to be maintained for other OS versions. Read More here
Cosmic Radiation Blamed for Bug
“Despite being rare, as electronics operate at faster speeds and the density of silicon chips increases, it becomes more likely that a stray bit of energy could cause problems that affect the performance of a router or switch”
Cisco cites the reason why cosmic radiation can be the reason for some issues with it’s ASR 9000 Series routers. The bug came about after “partial data traffic loss” occurred on some of its routers. Read More here
BlackBerry Selling It’s Bug Finding Software
“BlackBerry’s enterprise sales force will resell Zimperium’s zIPS mobile threat protection application to customers of its mobile device management services”
The Zimperium product; zIPS mobile threat protection application found a majot Android bug last year. Blackberry will offer the software to its customers. Zimperium was found in 2010 by a former security researcher for the Israeli military. Read More here
The Advent of Hacker-Proof Code 
“That result made all of DARPA stand up and say, oh my goodness, we can actually use this technology in systems we care about.”
The result of an experiment last year in which a team of hackers were given six weeks to hack a drone helicopter led to the team failing and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the U.S. claiming they were in possession of unhackable software. The code is as strong as a mathematical proof. Read More here