Continuous Quality As a Key for 5 Star Mobile App Delivery

Eran Kinsbruner

Perfecto Mobile

The global shift to mobile applications as the primary means of accessing the internet is undeniable and has caused enterprises to quickly develop mobile channels for their new and existing business applications. With the many other challenges this trend has presented, it was time for enterprises to lasso the wild west of mobile application development and find a way to increase the velocity of their mobile app releases to keep pace with these ever changing mobile market dynamics all without compromising quality. And, with every passing iOS upgrade and Android feature, comes greater end-user expectations around mobile apps’ performance and…....

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About Me!

Eran is director of product marketing and a mobile quality thought leader at Perfecto Mobile, the leading continuous quality and cloud-based mobile application testing and automation company. Formerly CTO for mobile testing and Texas Instruments and project manager at Matrix, Eran has been in testing since 1999 with experience that includes managing teams at Qulicke & Soffa, Sun Microsystems, General Electric, and NeuStar. The co-inventor of a test exclusion automated mechanism for mobile J2ME testing at Sun Microsystems, Eran has extensive experience in the mobile testing world. You can find Eran on Twitter @ek121268, LinkedIn, and his professional mobile testing blog at Eran also writes regularly for the Perfecto Mobile blog.

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