Agile Testing – How to Succeed in an Extreme Test Environment

John Watkins

This eBook, edited specifically for the EuroSTAR Software Testing Community, provides a series of extracts from my successful book on “Agile Testing” published by Cambridge University Press. Based on more than 30 case studies provided by numerous testing gurus and industry figures (such as Tom Gilb, Geoff Thompson, and Isabel Evans), the book distils out some 50 real world agile best practices that are being used to drive the success of numerous real world testing projects. Although not included in this extract, the original book also highlights those agile practices that do not appear to deliver benefits, as well as…....

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About Me!

John is a regular track and keynote speaker at international testing conferences and events, speaking at the British Computer Society, EuroStar, SQS, SQAM, Unicom and Ohjelmistotestaus conferences. In addition to his presenting activities, John has also published a number of testing books; John’s successful book on Testing Process (published by Cambridge University Press – “Testing IT : an Off-the-shelf Software Testing Process”) was released as a 2nd edition in 2010 (reprinted in French and Chinese), and John’s second book on the subject of “Agile Development and Testing” was published 2011. John has also been an invited contributor to a number of other books, including texts on Logic Programming and Quality Assurance, and is currently in the process of writing a book on software architecture.

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