Observing and Reasoning About Errors

Jerry Weinberg


Why Software Gets In Trouble? Why not just say “people make mistakes”? Why not? Because there are reasons people make mistakes, and make them repeatedly, and fail to discover and correct them. That’s what ‘Observing & Reasoning Errors’ is about. In this eBook, Jerry describes the way in which errors occur, the correct way of thinking about errors, how companies and processes get into a state where errors are more likely to occur (increased pressure, high levels of stress, poor estimation, lack of control, etc), and the effects of breakdowns.....

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About Me!

Gerald Weinberg is author of more than 100 books, including the best-selling Secrets of ConsultingPerfect SoftwareErrors, and other non-fiction series, and the ever-popular Women of Power novels. He is a principal in the international consulting firm of Weinberg and Weinberg, among whose clients have been state and national governments; churches; universities; medical centers, and the US Library of Congress. The festschrift, The Gift of Time (Fiona Charles, ed.) honors his work for his 75th birthday. His websites may be found at http://www.geraldmweinberg.com

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