Community Choice 2016 Reviews

Thank you for taking time out to review our Community Choice 2016 submissions and sending one lucky speaker to EuroSTAR 2016!

Below is a reminder of our Scoring Criteria and on the right hand side of the page is our review form.

Scoring Criteria

1. Engaging

The greatest weight will be given to this section. Give the proposal a higher score to the degree that it does one or more of these things:• Raises an interesting, open question that will prompt discussion

  • Tells a compelling story about experience
  • Presents a compelling theoretical insight
  • Engages the participants
  • Has exercises or interaction
  • Challenges existing thinking
  • Provide inspiration or motivation to practitioners

2. New Ideas and Perspectives

Score the proposal more highly if it:

  • Contains original or new ideas
  • Presents experience of new technological challenges or techniques
  • Introduces useful ideas from other disciplines
  • Presents an interesting new technique or application of tools

3. Relevant to the theme

The theme of the conference is “Learning to Test, Testing to Learn”. It means the talk should not only teach how to test, but it should drive towards a thoughtful and responsible test process. Score the proposal more highly if it:

  • Motivates tests that accumulate new and useful information
  • Provides evidence of practical experience in applying new ideas
  • Introduces new ideas or new ways of thinking
  • Presents a new, unusual or intriguing way of practicing tests

4. Overall Feeling

How much do YOU want to see this talk? Score the proposal more highly if it motivates you to attend or grabs your attention, even if you can’t quite put your finger on why. Would you circle it in your program to attend it over other sessions?

5. Scope

Considering that the presentation time will be either 30-40 minutes with 5-15-minute period for questions or 15 with 30 minutes discussion, score the proposal more highly if it:

  • Offers clear and limited set (1-3) of strong ideas
  • Does not risk overwhelming the audience with too many ideas
  • Can be delivered within the time that’s requested for it

6. Points Against

Your comments and scoring should also expose the problems you identify in the proposal. Score the submission lower if, for example, it:

  • Represents an attempt by a marketer to sell a technique, method, product or tool that makes too-good-to-be-true, unsupportable claims
  • Contains material that has been discussed before
  • Seems incoherent or unfocused – no clear idea
  • Attempts to present too large a range of ideas or solutions to problems
  • Presents a polemic view against or for something without offering actual proof of experience, or at least a reasoned argument or viable alternative


Describe your reactions or feelings to the proposal based on:

  • First impressions
  • How highly (or not) you scored it and why
  • Final assessment